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Showing posts from July, 2016

Tutorial for understanding Angularjs

What is angualarjs ? AngularJS is one of the most p opular JavaScript UI framework which works on client side MVVM model. Here client side means using JavaScript we will create the MVVM. The main advantage here for the AngularJS is Two-way data binding. The two-way data binding is quite easy and simple by using AngularJS. Main Component of Angularjs What is Services ? Services are singletons, which a re objects that are instantiated only once per app (by the $injector). They provide an interface to keep together methods that relate to a specific function. What is filters ? Filters are added to angularjs expression or directives in order to transform the displayed data , they are use by pipe symbol (" | " ). example of filter :- currency Format a number to a currency format. date Format a date to a specified format. filter Select a subset of items from an array. json Format an object to a JSON string. limitTo Limits an array/string, ...

How to do auto logout and redirect to login page when session expires using

In this article I will explain you how to auto logout and redirect to  login page when users session expires within specific period. Introduction In every applications, we need to maintain the session expiration time  say for example 1hr or 30 minuets and this configuration item we  can do with web.config file or in IIS. But here, application should  redirect to login page automatically when session expires. Configure session time First configure the session timeout value in web.config file as like  below, here I’m configuring the session timeout value as 3 minutes  for this sample . < system.web > < sessionState mode = " InProc " timeout = " 3 " ></ sessionState > </ system.web >   Create Pagebase class create a custom pagebase class and write the common functionality codes into this class. Through this class, we can share the common functions to other web pages. In this class we need...